Monday, December 31, 2012

Expression of narrow foreskin

Expression of narrow foreskin

Narrow foreskin usually has the following expression:

- Urine remains in the foreskin makes the penis swell, shortly after the new flow all

- Foreskin inflammation with symptoms of redness, succulent

-Discharge deposited into seeds, white patches, touching as beans or hard ring at the tip of the penis.

When mature, narrow foreskin makes penile pain during erection, while not as is.

Why narrow foreskin can lead to cancer?

According to the study, 90% of cases, the foreskin close if it is not treated in time can lead to cancer of the penis as an adult ...

Expression of narrow foreskin

- Urine remains in the foreskin makes the penis swell, shortly after the new flow while

Inflammation of the foreskin with symptoms of redness, succulent

- Discharge-deposited seeds, white spots, touching as beans or hard ring at the end of the penis.

At maturity, reduce the foreskin of the penis makes the pain during erection, while not being such.

Narrow foreskin may lead to cancer of the penis

Narrow foresk in is the condition of the skin at the head of the penis does not come to reveal a portion of the penis. Normally, in young children, which is the outer skin of the head without disturbing urination, but the first 1-2 years of age should not be tight foreskin

Children with narrow foreskin is often very difficult to urinate, so it is easy to lead to inflammation and accumulation of urine and urinary tract mucus in skin folds first. It is an environment for bacteria to grow rapidly.

Inflammation due to stagnant urine is not treated in time lead to a urinary tract infection, which affects the kidneys, causing difficulties in sexual relationships later even lead to cancer of the penis.

How to avoid

In fact, many people often embarrassing narrow foreskin does not want to see it come to the hospital for complications: obstruction of the urethra, causing infection in tumors wounds, pain, infection bacteria in the lymph nodes of skin ulcers or bleeding. At this time, the treatment will encounter many difficulties.

Narrow foreskin may be congenital or caused by poor hygiene infection. Therefore, the shower, the parents should wash the foreskin back and for children. If you find it difficult to roll or sticky foreskin back, should seek to diagnose.

The Narrow foreskin treatment  in children is quite simple, just cut a pinch at the top. Manipulation to reduce the foreskin should do as soon as possible (1-2 years) and later onset of puberty. Because if an adult intervene again, the foreskin would be difficult to take off, not to mention the cases had complications fiber bottle or cancer due confined too long. During this time, the penis had transformed into a chronic pre-cancer or cancer.

Foreskin Stenosis - Narrow foreskin?

 Overview narrow foreskin

Narrow foreskin?

Foreskin is the last shot to the skin of the penis (called the head), men born everyone has the foreskin, not the disease (low key holes closed, the foreskin does not cover first). Narrow foreskin (phimosis is English), only the first case slip case completely from scratch.

Narrow foreskin dangerous?

Narrow foreskin if chit discharged, causing urinary retention, if chit tight, causing difficulty urinating. The narrowing of the foreskin more susceptible to infections (20 times) normal. In addition, the loss of their narrow profile as vulnerable and more susceptible to cancer of the penis and its women more vulnerable to cervical cancer. All because of the plate dirty stinking remains below the shell.

Risk when narrow foreskin

Narrow foreskin is covered by a structure outside of the male sex organs is skin folds on the end of the penis. Narrow head is one of the causes of inflammation, it should be handled.
Infections and penile cancer easier

Normal skin, the foreskin has holes large enough to be able to take the order to reveal the exit. When the foreskin narrow hole, not the order, obstructing genital hygiene older children or adult disease called narrow foreskin. In this case, a common surgical procedure (circumcision surgery the skin of the penis), to help the penis, reduces the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

Narrow foreskin vulnerable to infection (due to seal) and is one of the many causes of penile cancer, if present in the skin glands secrete mucus to accumulate this created a genital plate dirty diaper. Thus, children aged 8 to 10 if the narrowing of the foreskin, or prepuce adults with narrow so frequent urinary tract infections, especially in people with diabetes, sugar in the urine stick under the skin the first is a favorable environment for breeding bacteria should be treated with surgery to cut the foreskin.
Circumcision reduces the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases?

This problem has been much debate. However, experts are confident that circumcision reduces the spread of genital warts in men, thus avoiding the risk of cancer of the cervix for their partners.

France and the United States, the results of research and statistics show that the possibility of papillary tumors decreased by 63% in men who were circumcised, and the rate of cervical cancer among people who had sexual intercourse with circumcised men were also very low. The risk would be reduced by 58% if the only woman a relationship with a man in this life and circumcision.

In some countries, the custom leather cutting the foreskin of children to fit certain criteria in society. Rather than treating the skin like a normal structure, parts of the skin considered a risk factor, well, it must be removed, even if it is not close. In some countries, the surgical removal of the foreskin is a mandatory ritual after the boy was born.

United States and other Western countries, the case before the surgery is very popular, but today, this surgery has decreased for several reasons, including the idea that keeps the skin to protect the ocean of material be rubbed and therefore more sensitive to stimulation and want to avoid pain and bleeding caused by surgery.

Treatment twisted spermatic cord

Once you have confirmed or suspected twisted spermatic cord, it must be done immediately scrotal exploration is surgery to save the testicle. Testicular torsion can be removed and stored if the ischemia time less than 4 hours. If the patient is in arrears for more than 8 hours of the onset of pain, testicular damage is often irreversible.

Recognition is surgery scrotum gently surgery. Patients receiving spinal anesthesia and a small incision in the skin of the scrotum. After removing twisted testicle is attached to the scrotum to prevent twisting operation. When determining testicular necrosis, amputation of the testicles. If diagnosed early, the recovery rate of the testicles can reach 100%.

Therefore, if there is acute scrotum groin pain, male patients should be right specialist to be diagnosed and treated in time to avoid unjust lose a testicle due to a lack of understanding.

Diagnosis twisted spermatic cord

Diagnosis twisted spermatic cord: 

Need to distinguish rope well with many other pathological causes of acute scrotal pain as orchitis, an inflammation of the epididymis, testicular trauma, inguinal hernia blocked ... So there is a rule to a patient with acute scrotal pain should think of the twisted spermatic cord until you get rid of this disease.

Twisted spermatic cord diagnosis based mainly on clinical signs. Diagnostic imaging twisted spermatic cord by radiation and testicular color Doppler ultrasound to assess blood flow to the testicles.

Determination of testicular torsion in any way?

 Testicular Torsion - Diagnosis and Testing

To confirm the diagnosis of this disease, the doctor will examine your specific clinical and registration of ultrasound to be able to directly see the spiral.

Twisted spermatic cord often bring serious consequences. Because the blood vessels of the testis is blocked should not be fed, very vulnerable. If delayed diagnosis and treatment, testicular necrosis or pus may be completely withered in a few months. Patients with a high risk of infertility, particularly in the case of testicular spermatic cord two sides are in turn twisted ...

The disease is a surgical emergency patients should be sent for examination and surgery soon. Surgery to remove the twist will help restore the blood supply to the testicle. The doctor also prevent recurrent torsion determined by the testicles, the testicles and spermatic cord twisted prevent contralateral fixed by it. Particularly infants, do not need urgent surgery to fix the remaining testicle, may delay this for a few months.

When you have surgery to remove twisted spermatic cord, patients are still at risk of testicular atrophy associated with malnutrition and secondary should be tested again after 6 months.

Testicular expression of twisted wire

 Testicular expression of twisted wire

++++ The patient suddenly felt a sharp pain in the scrotum, pain spreading to the kidneys and lower abdomen, nausea accompanying phenomena or vomiting, but no fever.

++++ Scrotum swollen, painful, unbearable pain if touched.

++++ Sometimes the pain occurs more slowly, each time more. In this case, your doctor may touch the scrotum to observe.

++++ Infants, scrotum swollen and purple, evil baby, cry and refused to eat. However, fever babies.