Monday, December 31, 2012

Determination of testicular torsion in any way?

 Testicular Torsion - Diagnosis and Testing

To confirm the diagnosis of this disease, the doctor will examine your specific clinical and registration of ultrasound to be able to directly see the spiral.

Twisted spermatic cord often bring serious consequences. Because the blood vessels of the testis is blocked should not be fed, very vulnerable. If delayed diagnosis and treatment, testicular necrosis or pus may be completely withered in a few months. Patients with a high risk of infertility, particularly in the case of testicular spermatic cord two sides are in turn twisted ...

The disease is a surgical emergency patients should be sent for examination and surgery soon. Surgery to remove the twist will help restore the blood supply to the testicle. The doctor also prevent recurrent torsion determined by the testicles, the testicles and spermatic cord twisted prevent contralateral fixed by it. Particularly infants, do not need urgent surgery to fix the remaining testicle, may delay this for a few months.

When you have surgery to remove twisted spermatic cord, patients are still at risk of testicular atrophy associated with malnutrition and secondary should be tested again after 6 months.

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